常用 Emoji Icon常用 Emoji

点击标签图标可以直接复制 emoji(各系统显示各异)


  • 🚭 禁止吸引

  • 🪙 硬币,银行硬币,金币 Coin

  • 💵 美元 Dollar banknote

  • 💴 人民币,日元 Yen banknote

  • 💰 钱袋 Money bag

  • 🧧 红包 Red envelope

  • 🎁 礼盒 Wrapped gift

  • 🎉 喝彩,庆祝 Party popper

  • 🧨 鞭炮,庆祝 Firecracker

  • 💝 爱心礼盒 HEart with ribbon

  • 💎 钻石 Gemstone

  • 👑 皇冠 Crown

  • ⚔️ 交叉的两把剑 Crossed swords

  • 🔥 Fire

  • 🎀 蝴蝶结 Ribbon

  • 🦴 骨头 Bone

  • 🕸️ 蜘蛛网 Spider web

  • ☃️ 雪人,下雪天的雪人 Snowman

  • ☄️ 彗星,流星 Comet

  • 雪人,没有雪的雪人 Snowman without snow

  • ⛱️ 地上的伞,沙滩 Umbrella on ground

  • 🌊 水波,海浪,浪花 Water wave

  • 🌌 银河系 Milky way

  • 🌬️ 风面,迎面吹来的风 Wind face

  • 💧 水滴,雨水 Droplet


  • 错误,关闭 Crossmark

  • 疑问,问题 Red question mark

  • 正确,勾选 Green box with checkmark

  • 感叹号 Red exclamation mark

  • 红圈 Hollow red circle

  • 🚫 红圈斜杆,禁用,禁止

  • ☑️ 灰色勾选 Blue box with checkmark

  • ✔️ 灰色勾 Checkmark

  • ✖️ 灰色关闭 Times

  • 💯 100分 Hundred(correct)

  • 📌 钉,标记,图钉 Pushpin

  • ♻️ 可循环 Recycling symbol

  • ♾️ 无限 Infinity

  • 绿色关闭,取消 Green crossmark

  • 🔅 高亮度 Dim

  • 🔆 低亮度 Bright


  • 📝 纸笔,铅笔 Memo

  • ✏️ 铅笔 Pencil

  • 🚨 报警,警报

  • 💡 灯泡,启发,发现 Light bulb

  • 🔍 放大镜,搜索 Magnifying glass tilted left

  • 🔒 锁定 Locked

  • 🔓 解锁 Unlocked

  • 🔑 钥匙,key Key

  • ⚙️ 设置,齿轮 Wheel

  • 🌐 地球,环球 Globe with meridians

  • 🔗 链接,铁链 Link

  • 📧 信封,Email e-mail

  • 📅 日历 Calender

  • 🔖 书签 Bookmark

  • 🏷️ 标签 Label

  • 📂 文件夹 Open the folder

  • 📁 文件夹 File folder

  • 🔔 铃铛 Bell

  • 🧮 算盘,算珠 Abacus

  • 🧬 基因 DNA

  • 🧪 试管 Test tube

  • 💊 药丸 Pill

  • ✍️ 写字,书写 Writing hands

  • 📣 扩声筒,喇叭 Megaphone


  • 🌍 Globe showing Africa and Europe

  • 🌏 Globe showing Asia and Australia

  • 🌑 New moon

  • 🌒 Waxing crescent moon

  • 🌓 First quarter moon

  • 🌔 Waxing gibbous moon

  • 🌖 Waning gibbous moon

  • 🌗 Last quarter moon

  • 🌘 Waning crescent moon

  • 🌙 Crescent moon

  • 🌚 New moon face

  • 🌝 Full moon face

  • 🛰️

  • 三颗星 Sparkles

  • 一颗星,五角星 Star

  • 🌎 地球 Globe showing Americas

  • 🚀

  • 🌕 Full moon

  • 🌜 Last quartermoon face

  • 🌛 First quarter moon face

  • 🌠 流星 Shooting star

  • 🪐 Ringed planet

  • 🛸 UFO,飞船

  • 🌟 Glowing star

  • 💫 流星 Dizzy

  • 💖 爱心,爱心发光 Sparking heart

  • 💕 爱心,两颗心 Two hearts

  • 💞 爱心,连接两颗心 Revolving heart

  • 🥰 Smiling face with hearts

  • 😍 喜爱 Smiling face with heart eyes

  • 😘 示爱 Face blowing kiss

  • 🩷 粉色的心

  • 💗 跳动的心 Growing heart


  • 🦁 狮子 Lion

  • 🐯 老虎 Tiger face

  • 🐲 青龙 Dragon face

  • 🐉 青龙,完整青龙 Dragon

  • 🧸 熊,熊娃娃 Teddy bear

  • 🐇 兔子 Rabbit

  • 🐣 刚孵出来的小鸡 Hatching

  • 🐔 公鸡头 Chicken

  • 🦆 Duck

  • 🐥 小鸡 Front-facing chick

  • 🦔 刺猬 Hedgehog

  • 🐍 Snake

  • 🐊 鳄鱼 Crocodile

  • 🦖 恐龙 Tyranosaurus

  • 🦕 恐龙 Sauropod

  • 🦣 非洲象 Mammoth

  • 🐘 大象 Elephant

  • 🐸 青蛙 Frog

  • 🐢 乌龟 Turtle

  • 🐈 Cat

  • 🐌 蜗牛 Snail

  • 🦇 蝙蝠 Bat

  • 🐀 黑老鼠,小黑鼠 Rat

  • 🐁 白老鼠,小白鼠 Mouse

  • 🐂 Ox

  • 🐃 Water buffalo

  • 🐄 奶牛 Cow

  • 🐅 老虎 Tiger

  • 🐆 金钱豹 Leopard

  • 🐈‍⬛ Black cat

  • 🐋 鲸鱼 Whale

  • 🐎 Horse

  • 🐏 绵羊,公羊 Ram

  • 🐐 山羊 Goat

  • 🐑 绵羊 Ewe

  • 🐒 猴子 Monkey

  • 🐓 大公鸡 Rooster

  • 🐕 Dog

  • 🐕‍🦺 Service dog

  • 🐖 Pig

  • 🐗 野猪头 Boar

  • 🐙 章鱼 Octopus

  • 🐚 海螺 Spiral shell

  • 🐟 Fish

  • 🐠 热带鱼 Tropical fish

  • 🐡 河豚鱼 Blowfish

  • 🐤 小鸡 Baby chick

  • 🐦 Bird

  • 🐧 企鹅 Penguin

  • 🐨 考拉头 Koala

  • 🐩 贵宾犬,狗 Poodle

  • 🐪 骆驼 Camel

  • 🐫 骆驼 Two hump camel

  • 🐬 海豚 Dolphin

  • 🐭 老鼠头 Mouse face

  • 🐮 奶牛头 Cow face

  • 🐰 兔子头,兔头 Rabbit face

  • 🐱 猫头 Cat face

  • 🐳 鲸鱼 Spouting whale

  • 🐴 马头 Horse face

  • 🐵 猴子头,猴头 Monkey face

  • 🐶 狗头 Dog face

  • 🐷 猪头 Pig face

  • 🐹 鼠头 Hamster

  • 🐺 大灰狼头 Wolf

  • 🐻 棕熊头 Bear

  • 🐻‍❄️ 白熊头 Polar bear

  • 🐼 熊猫头 Panda

  • 🐿️ 松鼠 Chipmunk

  • 🕊️ 鸽子,和平鸽,橄榄枝 Dove

  • 🦀 螃蟹 Crab

  • 🦂 写字 Scorpion

  • 🦃 火鸡 Turkey

  • 🦄 独角兽,独角兽头 Unicorn

  • 🦅 老鹰 Eagle

  • 🦈 鲨鱼 Shark

  • 🦉 猫头鹰 Owl

  • 🦊 狐狸头 Fox

  • 🦌 鹿 Deer

  • 🦍 猩猩,狒狒 Gorilla

  • 🦎 壁虎,蜥蜴 Lizard

  • 🦏 犀牛 Rhiniceros

  • 🦐 Shrimp

  • 🦑 乌贼 Squid

  • 🦒 长颈鹿 Giraffe

  • 🦓 斑马 Zebra

  • 🦘 袋鼠 Kangaroo

  • 🦙 大羊驼,草泥马 Ilama

  • 🦚 孔雀开屏

  • 🦛 Hippopotamus

  • 🦜 鹦鹉 Peacock

  • 🦝 小浣熊头 Racoon

  • 🦞 Lobster

  • 🦡 Badger

  • 🦢 天鹅,白天鹅 Swan

  • 🦤 Dodo

  • 🦥 Sloth

  • 🦦 Otter

  • 🦨 Skunk

  • 🦩 火烈鸟 Flamingo

  • 🦫 海狸,河狸 Beaver

  • 🦬 Bison

  • 🦭 海豹 Seal

  • 🦮 Guide dog

  • 🦠 微生物,病毒 Microbe

  • 🦧 猩猩,狒狒 Orangutan

  • 🦪 牡蛎,河蚌,珍珠 Oyster


  • 🐜 蚂蚁 Ant

  • 🐝 蜜蜂 Honeybee

  • 🐛 bug,毛毛虫 Bug

  • 🐞 七星瓢虫 Lady Beetle

  • 🦋 蝴蝶结 Butterfly

  • 🦗 蟋蟀 Cricket

  • 🦟 文字 Mosquito

  • 🪰 苍蝇 Fly

  • 🪲 甲虫 Beetle

  • 🪳 蟑螂 Cockroach

  • 🕷️ 蜘蛛网 Spider


  • 🌹 玫瑰花 Rose

  • 🌸 樱花 Cherry blossom

  • 🌻 向日葵 Sunflower

  • 🌷 郁金香 Tulip

  • 🌺 朱槿,扶桑花 Hibiscus

  • ☘️ 三叶草 Shamrock

  • 🍀 四叶草 Four leaf clover

  • 💐 花束,一束花,捧花 Bouquet

  • 🌼 小百花,开花 Blossom

  • 🥀 枯萎玫瑰 Wilted flower

  • 🪷

  • 🌴 椰树 Palm tree

  • 🍃 落叶 Leaf fluttering in wind

  • 🌾 水稻,小麦 Sheaf of rice

  • 🌳 榕树,落叶植物 Deciduous plant

  • 🍄 蘑菇 Mushroom

  • 🌱 树苗,幼苗 Seedling

  • 🌲 常绿树,松树 Evergreen tree

  • 🌵 仙人掌 Cactus

  • 🌿 草本植物,树枝,树叶 Herb

  • 🍁 红枫叶 Maple leaf

  • 🍂 红落叶 Fallen leaf

  • 🪴 盆栽 Nest with eggs


  • 🍒 樱桃 Cherries

  • 🍎 红苹果 Red apple

  • 🍏 青苹果 Green apple

  • 🍐 Pear

  • 🍈 哈密瓜 Melon

  • 🍊 橙子 Tangerine

  • 🥝 猕猴桃 Kiwi fruit

  • 🥭 芒果 Mango

  • 🍍 菠萝 Pineapple

  • 🍓 草莓 Strawberries

  • 🍇 葡萄 Grapes

  • 🍌 香蕉 Banana

  • 🍉 西瓜 Water melon

  • 🍅 西红柿 Tomato

  • 🥕 胡萝卜 Carrot

  • 🌶️ 辣椒 Pepper

  • 🍆 茄子,紫茄子 Eggplant

  • 🥔 土豆 Potato

  • 🍋 柠檬 Lime

  • 🍑 桃子 Peach

  • 🥑 牛油果 Avocado

  • 🥥 椰子 Coconut

  • 🥦 西蓝花 Broccoli

  • 🥬 青菜 Leafy green

  • 🫐 蓝莓 Blueberries

  • 🫑 绿彩椒,绿甜椒 Beans

  • 🫘 豆子,咖啡豆

  • 🌽 玉米 Corn

  • 🥒 黄瓜 Cucumber

  • 🧄 大蒜,蒜头 Garlic

  • 🧅 洋葱,黄色洋葱 Onion

  • 🧉 马黛茶,咖啡因饮料 Mate


  • ☀️ Sun

  • Sun behind cloud

  • ⛈️ Cloud with lighting and rain

  • 🌩️ Cloud with lighting

  • High voltage

  • 🌧️ Cloud with rain

  • ❄️ Snowflake

  • 🌥️ Sun behind large cloud

  • 🌤️ Sun behind small cloud

  • 🌦️ Sun behind rain cloud

  • 🌞 Sun with face

  • ☁️ Cloud

  • 🌀 Cyclone

  • 🌈 Rainbow

  • 🌨️ Cloud with snow

  • 🌪️ Tornado

  • 🌫️ Fog


  • 👍 Thumbs up

  • 🙌 鼓掌 Raised hands

  • 👌 OK Ok

  • 👉 向右 Index finger pointing right

  • 👈 向左 Index finger pointing left

  • 👆 向上 Index finger pointing up

  • 👇 向下 Index finger pointing down

  • ☝️ Forehand Index finger pointing up

  • 💪 肌肉 Flexed biceps

  • 🙏 击掌 Praying hands

  • 🤝 握手 Handshake

  • 🤟 Love you


  • 🟩 绿方块,绿正方形 Green square

  • 黑方块,黑正方形 Black square

  • 黑圆 Black circle

  • 🔴 红圆,录制 Red circle

  • 🔻 Red triangle pointed down

  • 🟠 Orange circle

  • 🟡 Yellow circle

  • 🟢 Green circle

  • 🟣 Purple circle

  • 🟤 Brown circle

  • 🟥 Red square

  • 🟦 Blue square

  • 🟧 Orange square

  • 🟨 Yellow square

  • 🟪 Purple square

  • 🟫 Brown square

  • White circle

  • ◻️

  • ◼️

  • ♠️ Spade suit

  • ♣️ Club suit

  • ♥️ Heart suit

  • ♦️

  • ♨️ Hot springs

  • White square


  • 快进 Fast-forward

  • Fast down

  • ⬇️ Down arrow

  • ▶️ 播放,右 Play

  • 🔽 Downwards

  • ℹ️ 倒感叹号 Info button

  • ☢️ Radioactive

  • ☣️ Biohazard

  • ☪️ Star and cresent moon

  • ☯️ Yin yang

  • ⚛️ Atom symbol

  • ⚧️ Transgender

  • Ophiucus

  • ✝️ Latin cross

  • ✡️ Star of David

  • ✳️ Eight-spoked asterik

  • ✴️ Eight-pointed star

  • ❇️ Sparkle

  • ↩️ Right arrow curving left

  • ↪️ Left arrow curving right

  • ⏏️ Eject

  • Fast-reverse

  • Fst-up

  • ⏭️ Next track

  • ⏮️ Previous track

  • ⏯️ Play or pause

  • ◀️ Reverse

  • 🎦 Cinema

  • 🔀 Shuffle tracks

  • 🔁 Repeat all

  • 🔂 Repeat one

  • 🔃 Clockwise vertical arrow

  • 🔄 Counterclockwise arrows button

  • 🔣 Input symbols

  • 🔼 Upwards


  • 🆗 OK OK button

  • 🈴 Japanese "passing grade" button

  • 🈲 Japanese "prohibited" button

  • 🈳 Japanese "vacancy" button

  • 🈵 Japanese "no vacancy" button

  • ㊙️ Japanese "secret" button

  • 🈚 无, Japanese "free of charge" button

  • 🈶 Japanese "not free of charge" button

  • ㊗️ Japanese "congratulations" button

  • 🅰️ A A blood type

  • 🆎 AB AB blood type

  • 🅱️ B B blood type

  • 🆒 cool,冷酷,酷 Cool button

  • 🆓 free,免费,自由 Free button

  • 🆔 ID ID button

  • Ⓜ️ Circled M

  • 🆕 new,新,最新,更新,新内容 New button

  • 🆖 NG NG button

  • 🅾️ o,0 O blood type

  • 🅿️ P,停车场 P button

  • 🆘 SOS,呼救,求救 SOS button

  • 🆙 UP UP! button

  • 🆚 VS VS Button

  • 🏧 ATM ATM Sign

  • 🔠 ABCD Input Latin uppercase

  • 🔡 abcd Input Latin lowercase

  • 🔢 1234 Input numbers

  • 🔤 abc Input Latin letters

  • 🚾 wc,厕所 Water closet


  • 0️⃣ 0 0 Keycap

  • 1️⃣ 1 1 Keycap

  • 2️⃣ 2 2 Keycap

  • 3️⃣ 3 3 Keycap

  • 4️⃣ 4 4 Keycap

  • 5️⃣ 5 5 Keycap

  • 6️⃣ 6 6 Keycap

  • 7️⃣ 7 7 Keycap

  • 8️⃣ 8 8 Keycap

  • 9️⃣ 9 9 Keycap

  • 🔟 10 10 Keycap


  • Wheelchair symbol

  • ➡️ Right arrow

  • ⤴️ Right arrow curving up

  • ⤵️ Right arrow curving down

  • ⬅️ Left arrow

  • ⬆️ Up Arrow

  • 🚹 Men's room symbol

  • 🚺 Women's room symbol

  • 🚻 Restroom symbol

  • 🚼 Baby symbol

  • 🛂 Customs

  • 🛃

  • 🛄 Baggage claim

  • 🛅 Left laugage


  • 🎠 旋转木马 Carousel horse

  • 🎡 摩天轮 Ferris wheel

  • 🎨 艺术家调色板 Artist pallete

  • 🎭 表演艺术,面具,两个面具 Performing arts

  • 🎮 游戏手柄,电子游戏遥控 Video game pad

  • 🎯 靶心,飞镖正中靶心 Bullseye

  • 🎰 老虎机 Slot machine

  • 🎱 桌球,8号球 8 ball

  • 🎲 骰子,筛子 Game die

  • 🪀 溜溜球 Yo-yo

  • 🪁 风筝 Kite

  • 🪂 降落伞,跳伞


  • 🎙️ Studio microphone

  • 🎚️ Level slider

  • 🎛️ Control knobs

  • 🎞️ Film frames

  • 🎤 Microphone

  • 🎥 Movie camera

  • 🎧 Headphone

  • 🎫 Ticket

  • 🎬 Clapper board

  • 🎵 Musical note

  • 🎶 Musical notes

  • 🎷 Saxophone

  • 🎸 Guitar

  • 🎹 Musical keyboard

  • 🎺 Trumpet

  • 🎻 Violin

  • 🎼 Musical score

  • 💽 Computer disk

  • 💿 Optical disk

  • 📀 DVD

  • 🪕 Banjo

  • 🪗 Accordion

  • 🪘 Long drum


  • 🎳 保龄球 Bowling

  • 🎾 网球 Tennis

  • 🎿 滑雪板,溜冰鞋 Skis

  • 🏀 篮球 BAsketball

  • 🏈 美式足球 American football

  • 🏉 橄榄球 Rugby

  • 🏐 排球 Volleyball

  • 🏑 曲棍球 Field hockey

  • 🏒 冰球 Ice hockey

  • 🏓 乒乓球 Ping pong

  • 🏸 羽毛球 Badminton

  • 🥅 球门网,足球门 Goal net

  • 🥊 拳击手套 Boxing glove

  • 🥋 武术服,跆拳道服装 MArtial arts uniform

  • 🥍 Lacrose

  • 🥎 垒球 Softball

  • 🛷 雪橇 Sled

  • 🛹 滑板

  • 🛼 溜冰鞋


  • 🏍️ 摩托车 Motorcycle

  • 🏎️ 四驱车,赛车 Racing car

  • 🦼 电动轮椅 Motorized wheelchair

  • 🦽 手动轮椅 Manual wheelchair

  • 🚁 直升机

  • 🚂 机车 Locomotive

  • 🚃 有轨电车 Railway car

  • 🚄 高速列车,高铁 High speed train

  • 🚅 子弹头列车 Bullet train

  • 🚆 火车 Train

  • 🚇 地铁 Metro

  • 🚈 轻轨 Light rail

  • 🚉 车站,站台 Station

  • 🚊 电车 Tram

  • 🚋 有轨电车 Tram car

  • 🚌 大巴,大巴侧面 bus

  • 🚍 迎面而来的大巴,大巴正面 Oncoming bus

  • 🚎 无轨电车 Trolley bus

  • 🚏

  • 🚐 小巴 Minibus

  • 🚑 救护车 Ambulance

  • 🚒 消防车 Fire engine

  • 🚓 警车 Police car

  • 🚔 迎面而来的警车,警车正面 Oncoming police car

  • 🚕 出租车 Taxi

  • 🚖 迎面而来的出租车 Oncoming taxi

  • 🚗 汽车,小轿车 Automobile

  • 🚘 迎面而来的汽车 Oncoming automobile

  • 🚙 运动鞋多用途车,越野车,SUV Sport utility vehicle

  • 🚚 货车,送货车 Delivery truck

  • 🚛 铰接式货车 Articulated lorry

  • 🚜 拖拉机 Tractor

  • 🚥 红绿灯,横式红绿灯

  • 🚦 红绿灯,竖式红绿灯

  • 🚧

  • 🛣️ 公路

  • 🛤️ 铁路

  • 🛥️ 轮船,游艇

  • 🛩️

  • 🛫 飞机起飞

  • 🛬 飞机降落

  • 🛳️ 游轮,轮船

  • 🛴 滑板车

  • 🛵 小型摩托车,电瓶车,小毛驴,小绵羊 Scooter

  • 🛶 轮船,小船,小舟

  • 🛺

  • 🛻 皮卡车 Pickup truck


  • 🌭 Hot dog

  • 🌮 Taco

  • 🌯 Burrito

  • 🍔 Hamburger

  • 🍕 Pizza

  • 🍖 Meat with bone

  • 🍗 Poultry leg

  • 🍘 RIce cracker

  • 🍙 Rice ball

  • 🍚 Cooked rice

  • 🍛 Curry rice

  • 🍜 Steaming bowl

  • 🍝 Spaghetti

  • 🍞 Bread

  • 🍟 French fries

  • 🍡 Dango

  • 🍢 Oden

  • 🍣 Sushi

  • 🍤 Fried shrimp

  • 🍥 Fish cake with swiri

  • 🍦 Soft ice cream

  • 🍧 Shaved ice cream

  • 🍨 Ice cream

  • 🍩 Doughnut

  • 🍪 Cookie

  • 🍫 Chocoloate

  • 🍬 Candy

  • 🍭 Lollipop

  • 🥐 羊角面包 Croissant

  • 🥓 熏肉 Bacon

  • 🥖 法棍面包 Baguette bread

  • 🥗 绿色沙拉,水果沙拉 Green salad

  • 🥘 浅盘食物 Shallow pan of food

  • 🥙 馅面包 Stuffed flatbread

  • 🥚 鸡蛋 Egg

  • 🥛 一杯牛奶,玻璃杯 Glass of milk

  • 🥜 花生 Peanuts

  • 🥞 蛋糕,饼子 Pancake

  • 🥟 饺子,米饺,饺粑 Dumpling

  • 🥠 幸运饼干 Fortune cookie

  • 🥤 Cup with strawberry

  • 🥧 Pie

  • 🥨 Pretzel

  • 🥩 Cut of meat

  • 🥪 Sandwich

  • 🥫 Canned food

  • 🥮 Moon cake

  • 🥯 Bagel

  • 🧀 Cheese wedge

  • 🧁 Cup cake

  • 🧂 Salt

  • 🧃 Beverage box

  • 🧆 沙拉三明治,抹茶巧克力 Falafel

  • 🧇 Waffle

  • 🧈 Butter

  • 🧊 冰块 Ice

  • 🧋 Jar

  • 🫒 概览 Olive

  • 🫕 火锅 Fondue


  • ⏱️ 倒计时,秒表 Stopwatch

  • 闹钟 Alarm

  • 等待,沙漏,开始 Hourglass starting

  • 等待,沙漏,结束 Hourglass done

  • ⏲️ Timer clock

  • 🕐 One O'clock

  • 🕑 Two O'clock

  • 🕒 三点钟 Three O'clock

  • 🕓 四点钟 Four O'clock

  • 🕔 Five O'clock

  • 🕕 Six O'clock

  • 🕖 Seven O'clock

  • 🕗 Eight O'clock

  • 🕘 Nine O'clock

  • 🕙 Ten O'clock

  • 🕚 Eleven O'clock

  • 🕛 Twelve O'clock

  • 🕜 One-thirty

  • 🕝 Two-thirty

  • 🕞 Three-thirty

  • 🕟 Four-thirty

  • 🕠 Five-thirty

  • 🕡 Six-thirty

  • 🕢 Seven-thirty

  • 🕣 Eight-thirty

  • 🕤 Nine-thirty

  • 🕥 Ten-thirty

  • 🕦 Eleven-thirty

  • 🕧 Twelve-thirty

  • 🕰️ Mantelpiece clock


  • 🟰 Equals

  • Hot beverage

  • ♟️ Chess pawn

  • ⚕️ Medical symbol

  • ⚜️ Fleur-de-lis

  • ⛏️ Pick

  • ⛑️ Rescuew worker's helmet

  • ⛩️ Shinto shrine

  • Church

  • ⛰️ Mountain

  • Fountain

  • Flag in a hole

  • ⛴️

  • ⛸️ Ice skate

  • Tent

  • ✈️

  • ✉️ Envelope

  • White question mark

  • White exclamation mark

  • 🌁 Foggy

  • 🌃 Night with starrs

  • 🌄 Sunrise over mountains

  • 🌅 Sunrise

  • 🌆 Cityscape at dusk

  • 🌇 Sunset

  • 🌉 Bridge at night

  • 🌋 Volcanic mountain

  • 🌡️ Thermometer

  • 🌰 Chestnut

  • 🍠 Roasted sweet potato

  • 🍮 Custard

  • 🍯 Honey pot

  • 🍰 Short cake

  • 🍱 Bento box

  • 🍲 Pot of food

  • 🍳 Cooking

  • 🍴 Fork and knife

  • 🍵 Teacup without handle

  • 🍶 Sake

  • 🍷 Wine glass

  • 🍸 Cocktail glass

  • 🍹 Tropical drink

  • 🍺 Beer mug

  • 🍻 Clinking beer mug

  • 🍼 Baby bottle

  • 🍽️ Fork and knife with plate

  • 🍾 Bottle with poppin cork

  • 🍿 Popcorn

  • 🎂 Birthday cake

  • 🎃 Jack-o-lantern

  • 🎄 Christmas tree

  • 🎆 Fireworks

  • 🎇 Sparkler

  • 🎊 Confetti ball

  • 🎋 Tanabata tree

  • 🎍 Pine decoration

  • 🎎 Japanese dolls

  • 🎏 Carp streamer

  • 🎐

  • 🎑 Moon viewing ceremony

  • 🎒 Backpack

  • 🎓 Graduation cap

  • 🎖️ Military medal

  • 🎗️ Reminder ribbon

  • 🎟️ Admission ticket

  • 🎢 Roller coaster

  • 🎣 Fishing poll

  • 🎩 Top hat

  • 🎪 Circus tent

  • 🎴 Flower playing cards

  • 🎽 Running shirt

  • 🏅 Sports medal

  • 🏆 Trophy

  • 🏏 Cricket

  • 🏔️ Snowcap mountain

  • 🏕️ Camping

  • 🏖️ Beach with umbrella

  • 🏗️ Building construction

  • 🏘️ Houses

  • 🏙️ Citscape

  • 🏚️ 房子,废弃的房子,旧房子 Derelict house

  • 🏛️ Classical building

  • 🏜️ Desert

  • 🏝️ Desertified island

  • 🏞️ National park

  • 🏟️ Stadium

  • 🏠 House

  • 🏡 House with garden

  • 🏢 Office building

  • 🏣 Japanese office

  • 🏤 Post office

  • 🏥 Hospital

  • 🏦 Bank

  • 🏨 Hotel

  • 🏩 Love hotel

  • 🏪 Convenience store

  • 🏫 School

  • 🏬 Department

  • 🏭 Factory

  • 🏮 Red pepper lantern

  • 🏯 Japanese castle

  • 🏰 Castle

  • 🏵️ Rosette

  • 🏺 Amphora

  • 🐽 Pig nose

  • 🐾 Paw prints

  • 👒 Woman's hat

  • 👓 Glasses

  • 👔 Necktie

  • 👕 T-shirt

  • 👖 Jeans

  • 👗 Dress

  • 👘 Kimono

  • 👙 Bikini

  • 👚 Woman's cloth

  • 👛 Purse

  • 👜 Handbag

  • 👝 Clutch bag

  • 👞 皮鞋 Man's shoe

  • 💈 Barber poll

  • 💍 Ring

  • 💒 Wedding house

  • 💠 Diamond with a dot

  • 💮 White flower

  • 💱 Currency exchange

  • 💲 Heavy green dollar sign

  • 💳 Credit card

  • 💶 Euro banknote

  • 💷 Pound banknote

  • 💸 Money with wings

  • 💹 Chart increase woth Yen

  • 💺

  • 💻 Laptop

  • 💼 Briefcase

  • 💾 Floppy disk

  • 📃 Page with curl

  • 📄 Page facing up

  • 📆 Tear off calender

  • 📇 Card index

  • 📈 Increasing chart

  • 📉 Decreasing chart

  • 📊 Bar chart

  • 📋 Clipboard

  • 📍 Round pushpin

  • 📎 Paperclip

  • 📏 Straight ruler

  • 📐 Triangular ruler

  • 📑 Bookmark tabs

  • 📒 Ledger

  • 📓 Notebook

  • 📔 Notebook with decorative cover

  • 📕 Closed notebook

  • 📖 Opened notebook

  • 📗 Green book

  • 📘 Blue book

  • 📙 Orange book

  • 📚 Orange books

  • 📛 Name badge

  • 📜 Scroll

  • 📞 Telephone receiver

  • 📟 Pager

  • 📠 Fax machine

  • 📢 Loudspeaker

  • 📤 Outbox tray

  • 📥 Inbox tray

  • 📦 Package

  • 📨

  • 📩 Envelope with arrow

  • 📪 Closed mailbox with lowered flag

  • 📫 Closed mailbox with raised flag

  • 📬 Open mailbox with raised flag

  • 📭 Open mailbox with lowered flag

  • 📮 Postbox

  • 📯 Postal horn

  • 📰 Newspaper

  • 📱 Mobile phone

  • 📲 MObile phone with arrow

  • 📳 Vibration mode

  • 📴 Mobile phone off

  • 📵 No mobile phones

  • 📶 Network antenna bars

  • 📷 Camera

  • 📸 Camera with flash

  • 📹 Video camera

  • 📺 Television

  • 📻 Radio

  • 📼 Video cassete

  • 📽️ Film Projector

  • 📿 PRayer beads

  • 🔇 静音 Muted speaker

  • 🔈 Low volume speaker

  • 🔉 Mid volume speaker

  • 🔊 High volume speaker

  • 🔋 Full battery

  • 🔌 Electric plug

  • 🔎 Magnifying glass tilted right

  • 🔏 Locked with pen

  • 🔐 Locked with key

  • 🔕 Bell with slash

  • 🔘 Radio button

  • 🔦 Flashlight

  • 🔨 Hammer

  • 🔪 Kitchen knife

  • 🔮 Crystal ball

  • 🔯 Six-pointed star

  • 🔰 Japanese symbol for beginner

  • 🔱 Trident

  • 🔲 Black square button

  • 🔳 White square button

  • 🔵 Blue circle

  • 🔶 Large orange diamond

  • 🔷 Large blue diamond

  • 🔸 Small orange diamond

  • 🔹 Small blue diamond

  • 🔺 Red triangle pointed up

  • 🕉️ OM

  • 🕋 Kaaba

  • 🕌 Mosque

  • 🕍 Synagogue

  • 🕎 Menorah

  • 🕶️ Sunglasses

  • 🕹️ 操纵杆 Joystick

  • 🖇️ 回形针 Linked paperclips

  • 🖥️ 台式电脑,显示器,一体机 Desktop computer

  • 🖨️ 打印机 Printer

  • 🖱️ 鼠标,滑鼠 Mouse

  • 🖲️ 轨迹球 Trackball

  • 🖼️ 相框,画 Framed picture

  • 🗂️ 卡片索引分隔器 Card index dividers

  • 🗃️ 卡片文具盒 Card file box

  • 🗄️ 文件柜 File cabinet

  • 🗑️ 废纸篓,垃圾桶 Waste basket

  • 🗒️ 记事本,速记本,账单

  • 🗓️ 日历

  • 🗝️ 钥匙,金钥匙,旧钥匙 Old key

  • 🗞️ 报纸,卷起的报纸 Rolled-up newspaper

  • 🗳️ 打卡机,有选票的投票箱 Ballot box with ballot

  • 🗺️ 世界地图 World map

  • 🗻 富士山 Fuji mountain

  • 🗼 东京塔 Tokyo tower

  • 🗽 自由女神像 Statue of liberty

  • 🗾 日本,日本地图 Map of Japan

  • 🤿 潜水 Driving mask

  • 🥁 Drum

  • 🥂 干杯,酒杯,两杯香槟 Clinking glasses

  • 🥃 玻璃杯 Tumbler glass

  • 🥄 勺子 Spoon

  • 🥌 冰壶,水壶 Curling stone

  • 🥏 飞盘 Flying disk

  • 🥡 取出盒 Take out box

  • 🥢 筷子 Chopsticks

  • 🥣 盛有食物的碗 Bowl with food

  • 🥻 纱丽,连衣裙 Sari

  • 🧱 墙面,砖墙 Brick

  • 🧳 拉杆箱,行李箱

  • 🧵 Thread

  • 🧶 Yarn

  • 🧾 Receipt

  • 🧿 Nazar amulet

  • 🩰 Ballet shoes

  • 🪄 魔法棒 Hamsa

  • 🪅 Pinata

  • 🪆 不倒翁,嵌套娃娃 Nesting doll

  • 🪓 斧头 Axe

  • 🪔 迪亚灯 Diya lamp

  • 🪡 带线的针,穿线,绣花针 Sewing needle with thred

  • 🪢 结,绳子打结 Knot

  • 🪨 岩石 Rock

  • 🪩

  • 🪫 Low battery

  • 🪬

  • 🪱 Worm

  • 🪵 Wood

  • 🪶 羽毛 Feather

  • 🪸 珊瑚

  • 🪹 空鸟窝

  • 🪺 蓝鸟蛋鸟窝

  • 🫓 扁面包 Flat bread

  • 🫔 Tamale

  • 🫖 水壶 Teapot

  • 🫗 水杯倒水

  • 🫙

  • 🚲

  • 🛍️ 购物袋,购物 Shopping bags

  • 🛎️

  • 🛑

  • 🛕 印度教寺庙 Hindu temple

  • 🛖 小屋 Hut

  • 🛝

  • 🛞

  • 🛟

  • 🛢️


  • Q:为什么同一个 emoji 有时候会显示不一样
  • A:emoji 是系统内置的一种符号,但是每个系统内置的emoji不同,所以解析渲染出来的样子不同。不过有些软件或者网站会指定emoji的风格样式,比如固定都是显示苹果手机风格的emoji。

国内最常用的可爱、有趣 Emoji 表情符号大全。Emoji 中文意思,Emoji英文意思。