4.3 设计 - 重复App(马甲包)

4.3 重复 App

(a) 请不要为同一个 App 创建多个套装 ID。如果你的 App 打算为特定位置、运动队、大学等提供不同版本,请考虑只提交一个 App,并使用 App 内购买项目来提供不同的功能。

(b) 同时,请避免继续在已有大量类似 App 的类别下进行开发;App Store 上已经有太多模拟放屁、打嗝声音的 App,以及手电筒、算命、约会、猜拳行令和爱经等 App。除非这类 App 会提供独特、高质量的体验,否则我们将会予以拒绝。上传大量相似版本的 App 可能会导致你被从 Apple Developer Program 中除名。

4.3 Spam

Don’t create multiple Bundle IDs of the same app. If your app has different versions for specific locations, sports teams, universities, etc., consider submitting a single app and provide the variations using in-app purchase. Also avoid piling on to a category that is already saturated; the App Store has enough fart, burp, flashlight, fortune telling, dating, drinking games, and Kama Sutra apps, etc. already. We will reject these apps unless they provide a unique, high-quality experience. Spamming the store may lead to your removal from the Apple Developer Program.



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Site updated at 2024-10-26 09:00